2024 AIHA BC Yukon AGM Feature Speaker
Courtney Gendron, CIH
Presentation Topic
“Managing Occupational Exposures to Hazards Associated with Rare Early Element Mining”
Presentation Brief Description
Managing occupational exposures to hazards associated with rare earth element (REE) mining will require increased attention due to the growing global market. Many countries have identified REEs as critical minerals essential to economic security and transition to a clean energy economy. The early assessment of risks, and adoption of best practices to limit harmful exposures will help contribute to the safe and responsible extraction of REEs. This session will focus on risk assessments of exposures to ionizing radiation from the co-occurrence of uranium and thorium in REE ore and REE particulate. Novel approaches are required due to the lack of published occupational exposure limits (OELs) for REE, and insufficient legislative limits for ionizing radiation in for REE mines in some jurisdictions. Topics to be presented are: 1) exposure assessment strategies for airborne REE particulate and ionizing radiation; 2) recommended risk management strategies; 3) guidance standards; 4) assumptions and limitations of the standards and assessment strategies; and 5) sharing experiences from conducting baseline risk assessments.
Courtney is a Lead Occupational Hygienist with WSP’s Earth and Environment business. She has over ten years of experience within the disciples of environment, health and safety (EHS), and community health. Her primary focus is managing occupational hygiene programs and performing risk assessments in the mining sector. She holds a Master of Public Health, specializing in Environmental and Occupational Health, and is a Certified Industrial Hygienist.