2023 AIHA BC Yukon AGM Feature Speaker

Francisco Valenzuela

Presentation Topic

FIFO4REAL: A journey of mental health in a fly in fly out work lifestyle

Presentation Brief Description
Francisco will share his personal experience of living a fly in fly out work lifestyle.  He will unpack some of the mental health challenges faced by workers and their employers as well as what can be done to help overcome these challenges from an individual and employer perspective.  


Safety Advisor at Imperial Oil Kearl Oil Sands

20 years safety experience in the mining and oil and gas industry

Founder and Chief Empowering Officer at FIFO4REAL 

Living out the FIFO lifestyle for over 13 years Francisco shares having experienced the challenges of marriage, divorce, financial boom and bust cycles. With the message of "What would the me of today tell the me of yesterday about FIFO life" and how we can build out more resources and support for ourselves and our FIFO community. 

Father, mentor, mental health advocate and boots on the ground FIFO worker.