2021 AIHA BC Yukon AGM Feature Speaker
Building Resilience in Times of Stress - Social Support
Diana Vissers
Diana Vissers, Founder of Work to Wellness is a Workplace Mental Health Expert who has a passion for teaching people and organizations how to prevent and resolve mental health challenges. She developed many education and support tools such as a Covid-19 Psychological Support Toolkit for workers and employers that has been used by more than 30,000 workers in BC, and the first Workplace Wellness course in Canada for Simon Fraser University’s Occupational Health and Safety Program. Her diverse experience includes working in the private and public sectors, with Workers’ Compensation Boards, private disability insurance companies, employers, unions, and community based mental health agencies. Diana completed her Masters of Arts degree in Disability Management with a special focus on workplace disability prevention and mental health. She has a passion for changing lives by facilitating a better understanding of mental health and teaching how to prevent and resolve mental health challenges.
Diana will facilitate a session for our team to understand why it is more important now, during this time of stress, to germinate the right kinds of social support for ourselves and others. During the presentation you will identify specific activities that will replenish your energy.